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Results from FST web retrieved at 09:11 (GMT)

ArcMap Description This operation transforms each arc and final state in the input FST. The transformation is specified by a function object called an arc mapper...
ArcSort Description This operation sorts the arcs in an FST per state. At the C level, the sort order is determined by a function object compare of type Compare...
Closure Description This operation computes the concatenative closure. If A transduces string x to y with weight a , then the closure transduces x to y...
Compose Description This operation computes the composition of two transducers. If A transduces string x to y with weight a and B transduces y to z...
Concat Description This operation computes the concatenation ( product ) of two FSTs. If A transduces string x to y with weight a and B transduces string...
Encode/Decode Description The Encode operation allows the representation of a weighted transducer as a weighted automaton, an unweighted transducer or an unweighted...
ExpectationWeight Times Let x (x1, x2) and y (y1, y2) be two elements of W1 X W2. Then x y (x1 y1, x1 y2 x2 y1). MichaelRiley 19 Oct...
OpenFst Conventions The OpenFst Libary has various conventions and assumptions about its objects and coding style. Object Conventions 1. The StateIds...
Efficiency By reading the Quick Tour and Conventions and working through the examples, users typically can create correct implementations of applications. What...
OpenFst Examples Reading the quick tour first is recommended. That includes a simple example of FST application using either the C template level or the shell...
OpenFst Extensions The following extensions to OpenFst are available. These are built only if the configure flags are provided as below. Also provided are...
OpenFst Quick Tour Below is a brief tutorial on the OpenFst library. After reading this, you may wish to browse the Advanced Usage topic for greater detail...
Intersect Description This operation computes the intersection (Hadamard product) of two FSAs. Only strings that are in both automata are retained in the result...
Project Description This operation projects an FST onto its domain or range by either copying each arc`s input label to its output label or vice versa. Usage enum...
Last Published Publisher CyrilAllauzen Date 30 Apr 2009 19:29 {PublishContrib}{Dir} /var/www/twiki/pub/publish/ {PublishContrib}{URL} http://mohri lt.cs.nyu...
OpenFst Python extension This extension exposes the OpenFst scripting API to (3.6 or better). Like the scripting API, it supports FstAdvancedUsage#FstArcs...
Relabel Description This operation relabels the input and/or output labels of an FST. The input and/or output relabeling are specified by providing the corresponding...
Replace Description This operation performs the dynamic replacement of arcs in one FST with another FST, allowing the definition of FSTs analogous to RTNs. It takes...
RmEpsilon Description This operation removes epsilon transitions (when both the input and output label are an epsilon) from a transducer. The result will be an equivalent...
ShortestDistance Description This operation computes the shortest distance from the initial state to every state (when reverse is false ) or from every state to...
ShortestPath Description This operation produces an FST containing the n shortest paths in the input FST. The n shortest paths are the n lowest weight paths...
SignedLogWeight Plus Let w1 (s1, x1) and w2 (s2, x2) be two elements of { 1,1} X , . Let z1 s1 e x1 and z2 s2 e x2. Then w1 w2 (sgn(z1 z2),...
StateMap Description This operation transforms each state in the input FST. The transformation is specified by a function object called a state mapper . For instance...
Union Description This operation computes the union ( sum ) of two FSTs. If A transduces string x to y with weight a and B transduces string w to v...
OpenFst Library OpenFst version 1.8.3 is now available for download. OpenFst is now also available on conda forge. Linux (x86) and Mac OS X users who already...
Statistics for FST Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Number of topics: 26

Results from Forum web retrieved at 09:11 (GMT)

OpenFst Forum 2009 Archive Finding n shortest paths NewUser 29 Dec 2009 16:44 I was wondering what is the best way to go about finding n shortest paths in...
OpenFst Forum 2011 Archive Can ComposeFst `shift` input labels? AlexZatv 14 Dec 2011 13:05 Can ComposeFst `shift` input labels relatively output labels? Let...
OpenFst Forum 2012 Archive Use .fst Files LadyFumi 07 Dec 2012 09:52 Hello, I would like to know how open a FST File, for example, I will use fstcompose (I...
OpenFst Forum 2016 Archive KyleGorman 2016 10 11 18:52 This returns a pointer, not a reference, now, simply for cross API consistency (other functions of the...
OpenFst Forum 2018 Archive Unknown FST type `vector` (arc type `standard`) BruceLin 2018 12 25 01:43 when I run fstarcsort sort type olabel my in.fst my...
Number of topics: 5

Results from GRM web retrieved at 09:11 (GMT)

NGramInfo Description The command line utility ngraminfo prints various information about an n gram model obtained from the NGramModel class and the underlying...
OpenGrm NGram Library Quick Tour This tour is organized around the stages of n gram model creation, modification and use: corpus I/O ( ngramsymbols , farcompilestrings...
OpenGrm SFST Glossary $ backoff complete FST : a canonical FST for which each state s that has a failure transition to a state s` and another transition with...
Number of topics: 3

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